Eye drops

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Allerfix Eye Drops Solution 2% 10ml

For prevention and treatment of allergic eye conditions such as hayfever and ..
Price : NZ$ 4.85

Clear Eyes Eye Mist Spray 15ml

Clear Eyes Eye Mist - Preservative Free - Refreshes dry eyes, naturally
Price : NZ$ 18.50
RRP : NZ$ 29.99
YOU SAVE NZ$ 11.49

Clear Eyes Gentle Cleansing Wipes 30

Clear Eyes Wipes are uniquely textured hypoallergenic wipes for effective, ge..
Price : NZ$ 18.30
RRP : NZ$ 24.20

Clear Eyes-A Allergy Drops 15ml - Quantity...

Clear Eyes-A Allergy can provide relief for your red itchy eyes.   ..
Price : NZ$ 10.50

Clear Eyes-D Dryness Drops 15ml

Clear Eyes-D is a gently buffered solution specially formulated to closely ma..
Price : NZ$ 10.50
RRP : NZ$ 14.80

Cromo-Fresh Eye Drops 10ml

Indicated for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis and vernal conjunctivi..
Price : NZ$ 17.40

Livostin Eye Drops 4ml

Livostin Eye Drops is an antihistamine eye drop for symptoms of allergic conj..
Price : NZ$ 16.80

Lomide Eye Drops 10ml - Allergy Eye Prevention

LOMIDE is formulated for regular sufferers of red, itchy, allergy eyes.
Price : NZ$ 14.90

Naphcon A Eye Drops 15ml - Quantity Restriction (2)...

Naphcon-A Eye Drops provides effective and comfortable relief from red, itchy..
Price : NZ$ 11.90

Optrex ActiMist Advance for Dry Eyes 10ml

Optrex Advance Actimist Preservative Free Eye Spray gives you lasting r..
Price : NZ$ 27.95
RRP : NZ$ 41.70
YOU SAVE NZ$ 13.75

Optrex ActiMist Eye Spray For Dry Eyes 10ml

Soothing dry, irritated eyes is now so easy. You can do it with your eyes ..
Price : NZ$ 24.95
RRP : NZ$ 40.30
YOU SAVE NZ$ 15.35

Optrex Eye Wash 110ml

Optrex Eye Wash - comes with Eye Bath. The Optrex Range has been specially..
Price : NZ$ 11.90
RRP : NZ$ 16.65

Optrex Eye Wash 300ml

Optrex Eye Wash - comes with Eye Bath. The Optrex Range has been specially..
Price : NZ$ 18.50
RRP : NZ$ 26.90

Stye Away - 1 Resusable Eye Warming Compress

This is a reusable warm compress for the eye that can be used to help treat m..
Price : NZ$ 10.50
RRP : NZ$ 11.99

Visine Allergy Eye Drops 15ml - Quantity Restriction...

Visine Allergy Eye Drops for the fast relief of itching, soreness and redness..
Price : NZ$ 9.95

Zaditen Eye Drops 20 x 0.4ml SINGLES -Expiry 04/25

Zaditen is used for short term treatment of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis ..
Price : NZ$ 20.50

Zaditen Eye Drops 5ml - Expiry 06/25

Zaditen is used for short term treatment of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis ..
Price : NZ$ 20.50
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