Bosistos Tea Tree SOLUTION 250ml
Bosistos Tea Tree SOLUTION 250ml
Personal Uses:
Wound care Apply as an antiseptic directly to minor cuts and scratches. Do not cover.
Insect bites To help relieve the itch, dab onto the affected area and allow to dry.
Foot care To help combat fungal infections, wash and dry feet thoroughly then dab onto affected area. Do not cover until dry. To remove odours and freshen feet, add a capful to warm water as a foot soak. It is recommended to patch test before using on skin.
Household Uses:
Cleaning For floors, kitchens and hard surfaces, add two capfuls to one litre of water to clean and remove odours.
Freshen bathroom & toilet Add two capfuls in toilets and drains to clean and deodorise.
Active Ingredients:
Active ingredient Melaleuca Oil 150mg/g.
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