Bowel Preparation

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Glycoprep Bowel Preparation Sachets 3 x 70g - Orange

Bowel emptying and cleansing by means of total gastrointestinal tract perfusi..
Price : NZ$ 24.00

Glycoprep-O Bowel Preparation Kit

Bowel emptying and cleansing by means of total gastrointestinal tract perfusi..
Price : NZ$ 38.95

Picoprep Orange Bowel Preparation Sachets 2 x 20g -...

Bowel emptying and cleansing by means of total gastrointestinal tract perfusi..
Price : NZ$ 30.50

Picoprep Orange Bowel Preparation Sachets 3 x 20g

Bowel emptying and cleansing by means of total gastrointestinal tract perfusi..
Price : NZ$ 40.50

Prep Kit Orange Bowel Preparation

Bowel emptying and cleansing by means of total gastrointestinal tract perfusi..
Price : NZ$ 34.50

SBM Professional Bowel Screening Faecal Occult Blood...

A rapid test for the detection of blood in faeces
Price : NZ$ 19.75
RRP : NZ$ 24.50
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