
Temporary relief for itching and rashes arising from eczema, dermatitis, soap, detergent, cosmetics and jewellery.
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DermAid 0.5% Cream 30g - Quantity Restriction (2)...

DermAid 0.5% cream contains dissolved hydrocortisone. Dissolved hydrocortison..
Price : NZ$ 9.70

DermAid 1% Cream 30g - Quantity Restriction (1)...

DermAid 1% Cream contain dissolved hydrocortisone. Dissolved hydrocortisone p..
Price : NZ$ 12.95

DermAid Soft 0.5% Cream 30g - Quantity Restriction...

DermAid Soft 0.5% Specially formulated for sensitive skin, DermAid Soft 0.5% ..
Price : NZ$ 9.70

DermAid Soft 1% Cream 30g - Quantity Restriction (1)...

DermAid Soft 1% Cream 30g Specially formulated for sensitive skin, DermAid So..
Price : NZ$ 12.25
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