Gold Knight

Contoured CONDOMS
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Gold Knight Condoms 56mm 12 Pk - Chocolate

Medium Nominal width 56mm contour shaped condom with chocolate flavoured lubr..
Price : NZ$ 8.40

Gold Knight Condoms 56mm 12 Pk - LARGER Ultra Thin

Gold Knight Larger - Now a wider 56mm width lubricated condom.
Price : NZ$ 8.40

Gold Knight Condoms 56mm 12 Pk - Strawberry

Medium 56mm width contour shaped condom with strawberry flavoured lubricant.
Price : NZ$ 8.40

Gold Knight Condoms 56mm 12 x 12 Pk - Chocolate

Medium Nominal width 56mm contour shaped condom with chocolate flavoured lubr..
Price : NZ$ 36.60

Gold Knight Condoms 56mm 12 x 12 Pk - LARGER Ultra...

Gold Knight Larger - Now a wider 56mm width lubricated condom.
Price : NZ$ 40.20

Gold Knight Condoms 56mm 12 x 12 Pk - Strawberry

Medium Nominal width 56mm contour shaped condom with strawberry flavoured lub..
Price : NZ$ 36.60

Gold Knight XL Condoms 60mm - 144 Pk

Extra wide fitting 60mm width condom. Box of 144.
Price : NZ$ 36.60
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