MACK'S Ultra Soft Foam Ear Plugs - 10 Pairs
MACK'S Ultra Soft Foam Ear Plugs - 10 Pairs
With a high noise reduction rating (NRR) of 32 decibels, these earplugs offer the unsurpassed combination of hearing protection and comfort in environments with hazardous noise levels.
Great for:
Loud concerts
Power tools
Shooting sports
Motor sports
Loud events
Molded with state-of-the-art, super low-pressure, high noise reduction foam.
Fully skinned and tapered, providing unmatched user comfort and hygiene.
User preferred colour makes them as easy on your eyes as they are on your ears.
10 Pair Pack
Remove earplug slowly with twisting motion to gradually break the seal. Rapid removal may damage eardrum. |
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