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Pamol Orange Children's Pain & Fever Liquid 100ml -...

Pamol® contains paracetamol, a medicine designed to reduce your child&rsq..
Price : NZ$ 11.40

Pamol Orange Children's Pain & Fever Liquid 200ml -...

Pamol® contains paracetamol, a medicine designed to reduce your child&rsq..
Price : NZ$ 16.95

Pamol Orange Infant Drops For Pain & Fever 60ml -...

Relieves the pain and fever associated with: teething, headache, earache, imm..
Price : NZ$ 9.90

Pamol Strawberry Children's Pain & Fever Liquid...

Pamol® contains paracetamol, a medicine designed to reduce your child&rsq..
Price : NZ$ 11.40

Pamol Strawberry Children's Pain & Fever Liquid...

Pamol® contains paracetamol, a medicine designed to reduce your child&rsq..
Price : NZ$ 16.95
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