Panadol Osteo 96 Caplets - Quantity Restriction (2) Applies

Panadol Osteo 96 Caplets - Quantity Restriction (2) Applies

This product is a Pharmacist-Only medicine or a medicine for which it is our policy to have a pharmacist approve the sale. To ensure this medication is best suited to your condition please answer the following questions. One of our Pharmacists will review your answers and may contact you to get further details to ensure this product is best suited for you.

Panadol Osteo 96 Caplets - Quantity Restriction (2) Applies

PO - Pharmacist Medicine

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Product Description
1. Who is this medicine for and what age are they?  *
2. Describe, in as much detail as possible, what symptoms you are feeling, how long since they started and if you have experienced them in the past  *
3. Do you have any other health conditions or allergies, including pregnancy/breastfeeding?  *
4. What other medication are you taking, if any? Please include prescribed or purchased medication and alternative therapies.  *
5. Has a Health Professional recommended that you use this product on this occasion? If not, has a doctor previously diagnosed this condition and are the symptoms the same as the previous diagnosis?  *
6. Do you know not to take any other medicines containing paracetamol?  *
7. Is there any other information you feel we need to know? Do you have any other questions you would like answered?  *
8. Please enter your phone number and the best time to call you during working hours (8.30AM to 5.00PM) Monday to Friday.  *
Price:  NZ$ 14.80 Quantity: 
Panadol Osteo 96 Caplets - Quantity Restriction (2) Applies
Panadol Osteo 96 Caplets (Generic is Paracetamol Osteo)
Panadol Osteo is a sustained release formulation that can provide long-lasting relief from persistent pain such as that associated with Osteoarthritis. Panadol Osteo can be a convenient choice, containing a higher dose of paracetamol than regular Panadol tablets. With only 3 daily doses, each lasting up to 8 hours, Panadol Osteo may provide up to 24-hour relief from pain.
Use Panadol Osteo for effective relief of persistent pain associated with Osteoarthritis.
The Paracetamol in Osteo is released in 2 stages, with the first stage being released quickly, for rapid onset of action, and the second stage being released slowly over the day or night, to provide prolonged pain relief.
Active Ingredients:
Each Capsule Contains:
Paracetamol 665mg

Ages 12-Adult: 2 Caplets, swallowed whole with water three times daily every 6-8 hours.
Maximum of 6 Caplets in 24 hours

  • Do NOT crush tablets.


  • Overall Rating 5
  • Cynthia Cooper
    Overall Rating 5

    These capsules are fantastic. Make life a lot easier for me

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