SOOV Burn Spray 200ml

SOOV Burn Spray 200ml
Always read the label and use only as directed.


SOOV Burn Spray 200ml

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SOOV Burn Spray 200ml
SOOV Burn’s gentle spray-on application avoids the need for rubbing tender skin, and provides fast-acting relief from minor burns and sunburn.
  • Use for minor burns, sunburn, cuts and grazes.
  • Helps to prevent infection of broken and damaged skin.
  • Contains lignocaine hydrochloride to provide fast, soothing pain relief.
  • Suitable for children above 2 years and adults.
Active Ingredients:
Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2%, and Cetrimide 0.25%

For minor burns apply cold water first. Hold bottle 10cm from affected area and spray until skin is wet. Apply up to 4 times daily. For treating the face, spray onto fingers then apply gently.
For minor burns, apply cold water first. Seek medical advice for the treatment of more serious burns.

  • Always read the label. Use only as directed.
  • If symptoms persist please see your healthcare professional.

  • Overall Rating 5
  • Anna
    Overall Rating 5

    Amazing! I got the notorious sunburn itch (also known as "Hells itch"). Soothed the itch and and sunburn for hours, brilliant stuff! Nothing else worked for me.

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