SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Ear Plugs 3 Pair

SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Ear Plugs 3 Pair
Always read the label and use only as directed.


SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Ear Plugs 3 Pair

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NZ$ 7.50


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SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Ear Plugs 3 Pair
SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Ear Plugs 3 Pair

22dB noise reduction SLC80 - Class 4

  • Slow expansion for correct fit.
  • Effective protection for work, sleep or leisure.
  • Latex free, Polyurethane foam


3 Pairs

Instructions for Effective Use:

1. With clean hands, roll ear plug tightly into a thin, crease free cylinder. 
2. Pull the top of the ear outwards and upwards, insert the compressed plug into the ear canal. 
3. Hold the plug in position with your fingertip for a minute as the plug expands gently to fill the space.

  • Overall Rating 1
  • Chloe May
    Overall Rating 1

    The material has been changed and they now just fall out.

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