SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Easy-Fit Ear Plugs Regular 3 Pairs

SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Easy-Fit Ear Plugs Regular 3 Pairs
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SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Easy-Fit Ear Plugs Regular 3 Pairs

Valued at NZ$ 10.00 - you save 22.50%
NZ$ 7.75


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SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Easy-Fit Ear Plugs Regular 3 Pairs
SurgiPack Hush-A-Foam Easy-Fit Ear Plugs Regular 3 Pairs
Tapered-fit Ear Plug for a snug and comfortable fit in the Ear. Made of unique slow release foam for the best fit possible. Large Size. 26 Decibel Noise Reduction, SLC 80 Rating.

With clean hands roll ear plug into tight small cylinder and put firmly into ear canal. Hold in position for one minute as plug swells to gently fill the space

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