Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 25ml
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 25ml
Lavender oil is an aromatherapy grade oil, which can help calm, soothe and relax the body and mind.
Traditionally used to help with relaxation prior to sleep and support a good night’s rest
May support sleep quality and provide a more restful sleep
Can be particularly useful to balance emotions
Provides relief to tick, wasp and insect bites
Product Features:
100% pure. Free from SLS, synthetic parabens, synthetics and fillers; guaranteeing an unaltered, pure oil
Can be applied directly to the body or used in a vaporiser
Distilled from the flowering tops of Lavandula angustifolia
To help with relaxation prior to sleep and assist with a good night’s sleep. Massage: Add 5 drops (1/4mL) to 10mL carrier oil.
Apply to temples, forehead, back of neck, shoulders or full body.
Vaporisation: Add 5 drops (1/4mL) to water in an oil burner.
Bath: Add 5 drops (1/4mL) to bath water
For relief from tick, wasp and insect bites: Dab undiluted onto affected area.
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